Exhibitions | Výstavy
Solo Exhibitions | Samostatné výstavy
- 2025
- EVERYDAY I PRAY FOR LOVE | Městská galerie UFFO v Trutnově | City Gallery UFFO in Trutnov, Czech Republic | 12.05.2025 – 30.07.2025
- Curator: Jan Kunze
- BETWEEN EARTH AND HEAVEN | Lašské Muzeum v Kopřivnici | Lašské Museum in Kopřivnice - Šustalova Villa Kopřivnice, Czech Republic | 06.12.2024 – 02.02.2025
- Curator: Mgr. Věra Vahalíková
- 2024
- MEAT DESIGN Ostrava | Boutique Business Inkubátor Ostravica Textillia | Ostrava, Czech Republic | 20.11.2024 – 24.11.2024
- TREE OF KNOWLEDGE | Toyen gallerie | Toyen gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 01.11.2024 – 29.11.2024
- WHAT THE PICTURES WANTS | Slezskoostravská galerie | Sezskoostravská gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic | 12.09.2024 – 10.11.2024
- AMERICA STILL LOVES ME AND I LOVE AMERICA TOO | The Living gallery Brooklyn, New York, USA | 10.06.2024 – 18.06.2024
- Curator: Marek Nenutil
- LETTER'S FROM THE NEWYORK | photographic project and video site-specific installation | Photographic gallery Fiducia Ostrava, Czech Republic | 13.03.2024 – 29.04.2024
- Curator: Roman Polášek a Martin Popelář
- 2023
- AIR, EARTH, FIRE, WATER | Muzeum Ostrava - Museum of Ostrava Ostrava, Czech Republic | 14.07.2023 – 30.08.2023
- 2022
- Natural and Synthetic | Academic Centre of Culture, Klub Studio Krakow, Poland | 24.11.2022 - 27.11.2022
- Curator: Przemyslaw Widel
- Time and Reality | Art Gallery Evets | copper engravings, illustrations, prints | Magdalena New Mexico, USA | 25.09.2022 - 16.10.2022
- WE COULD START OVER AGAIN | ZaZa Gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic | 23.06.2022 - 26.08.2022
- Curator: Radana Zapletalová
- THE MUSEUM OF TRAVELING DREAMS | Gallery of Culture Centre Průhon Prague, Czech Republic | 03.03.2022 - 30.05.2022
- Curator: Vojta Fiala
- ONCE UPON A TIME 2 | Kdysi dávno Site Specific installation for Ostrava Museum, Ostravské Muzeum Ostrava, Czech Republic | 01.02.2022 - 01.05.2022
- 2021
- NEW PAINTINGS | solo exhibition of new canvases in the new gallery space Knupp Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 15.04.2021 - 30.02.2022
- POER OF LANGUAGE | House of Art Opava | Marek Nenutil Retrospective exhibition Opava, Czech Republic | 11.11.2021 - 16.01.2022
- Curator: Vojta Fiala
- ONCE UPON A TIME | Kdysi dávno Site Specific installation for (A)VOID Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 03.09.2021 - 30.09.2021
- WHAT THE PICTURE WANTS | Kavárna co hledá jméno Prague, Czech Republic | 02.05.2021 - 26.06.2021
- Curator: Vojta Fiala
- 2020
- EVERY MOMENT THINKS ABOUT OF HIS FUTURE | Gallery Caesar Olomouc, Czech Republic | 05.05.2020 - 28.05.2020
- Curator: Miroslav Schubert
- THE LAST SUNSET | Knupp Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 06.02.2020 - 27.02.2020
- Curator: Ing. Aleš Knupp
- HISTORY OF VIOLENCE 2 | Gallery of Contemporary painting National Moravinan-Silesian Theatre Antonína Dvořáka Ostrava, Czech Republic | 13.01.2020 - 08.03.2020
- Curator: Mgr. Martin Mikolášek
- 2019
- HISTORY OF VIOLENCE | Nová galerie Prague, Czech Republic | 19.09.2019 - 24.10.2019
- THE BASED ON TRUE STORY | Long Story Short Hotel Olomouc, Czech Republic | 13.09.2019 - 30.11.2019
- TOMORROW WILL BE ALRIGHT | Galerie Chagall Ostrava, Czech Republic | 28.02.2019 - 27.03.2019
- Curator: PhDr. Petr Pavliňák
- 2018
- POP UP SHOW POLAND | Academic Centre of Culture, Klub Studio, Festival Synestezje Krakow, Poland | 12/2018
- Curator: James Sieržęga
- POP UP SHOW | Opening new BMW CartTec group showroom Ostrava, Czech Republic | 09/2018
- KITTY CAT | Dudes&Barbies Gallery Vnitroblock Prague, Czech Republic | 19.04.2018 - 20.5.2018
- Curator: Vojta Fiala
- 2017
- ONLY HUMAN | Meat Design Ostrava, Czech Republic | 24.11.2017 - 26.11.2017
- SILENCE IN BETWEEN | Gallery of Culture Centre Prague, Czech Republic | 10.11.2017 - 31.12.2017
- THE LAND OF BROKEN HEART | Galerie starý zámek Hořovice, Czech Republic | 13.09.2017 - 05.10.2017
- BRING THE SEA | Felix studio Ostrava, Czech Republic | 25.05.2017 - 30.06.2017
- EXISTENZ 3 | Industrial gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic | 28.03.2017 - 07.04.2017
- Curator: Mgr. Zuzana Kulhánková
- EXISTENZ 2 | The Chemistry gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 22.02.2017 - 18.03.2017
- Curator: Petr Hájek - The Chemistry Gallery
- EXISTENZ | Slezskoostravská gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic | 29.11.2016 - 06.01.2017
- Curator: Mgr. Věra Vahalíková
- 2016
- CONSERVATIVE PARTY | Municipal House Gallery Opava, Czech Republic | 03.02.2016 - 10.04.2016
- Curator: Jan Kunze
- 2015
- I'LL BE BACK | The Geddis Gallery Seattle, USA | 01.08.2015 - 24.09.2015
- ONE THING | Adam Gallery Brno, Czech Republic | 09.06.2015 - 20.09.2015
- Curator: Richard Adam
- 2014
- SOURCE | Cooltour Muligenre centrum Ostrava, Czech Republic | 12/2014 - 01/2015
- Curator: Petr Hájek - The Chemistry Gallery
- POP UP SHOW | Qarta Architektura Studio Event Anniversary Prague, Czech Republic | 2014
- AFTER DARK | The Chemistry Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 2014
- Curator: Pavel Kubesa - The Chemistry Gallery
- 2013
- KRIEG UND FRIEDEN | (A)VOID Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 08/2013
- Pop up show openmindz360 | private anniversary | Slezskoostravský důl Trojice Ostrava, Czech Republic | 06/2013
- Curator: Michal Vaško
- ARTPOKALYPSA | Slezskoostravská gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic | 03/2013
- Curator: Mgr. Věra Vahalíková
- 2012
- PARADA | PARADA CHECA Bar and Gallery Solo show and live painting Barcelona, Spain | 11/2012
- CONTEMPORARY CITY FOLKLORE | Trafo Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 2012
- Curator: PhDr.Petr Pavliňák
- UNTITLED | Desperados club Ostrava, Czech Republic | 03.04.20
- UNTITLED | GALERIE KOTELNA KARLÍN Prague, Czech Republic | 03/2012
- Foreword: Petr Hájek - The Chemistry Gallery
- UNTITLED | KLUB A GALERIE KLID Ostrava, Czech Republic | 01/2012
- 2011
- UNTITLED | GALERIE 2. PATRO Prague, Czech Republic | 04/2011
- 2006
- POP UP project | Group show and live painting Hauptplatz Freistadt, Austria | 2006
- 2005
- UNTITLED | BMW Cartec group showroom Ostrava, Czech Republic | 05/2005
- NĚKDO SE DÍVÁ | Galerie Fiducia Ostrava, Czech Republic | 01/2005
- Curator: Herbert Procházka
- 2004
- UNTITLED | Galerie JarNemec Ostrava, Czech Republic | 2004
- 2003
- TAJ-MAHAL | Pop Up instalations and decorations in TajMahal event Ostrava, Czech Republic | 2003
- UNTITLED | GALERIE COLOUR CAFÉ Ostrava, Czech Republic | 05/2003
- 2002
- INTERIA MOBILLI | Istalations in front from showroom. Inside solo exhibition too Ostrava, Czech Republic | 02/2002
- STREETART | Swallow Fest Pop Up instalations and decorations in this event Ostrava, Czech Republic | 2002
- MY ARTWORX | Galerie Jáma 10 Ostrava, Czech Republic | 06/2002
- Curator: Jaroslav Němec
- 2001
- MYTHOS UND TRAUME | Kulturgewächshaus Birkenried, Gundelfingen an der Donau, Germany | 03/2001
- UNTITLED | GALERIE ČERNÝ PAVOUK Ostrava, Czech Republic | 08/2001
- 2000
- UNTITLED | GALERIE MAJÁK Ostrava, Czech Republic | 2000
- 1997
- UNTITLED | GALERIE ZÁCHODKY Ostrava, Czech Republic | 1997
- 1996
- UNTITLED | NEW FASHION SHOPA Ostrava, Czech Republic | 1996
Group Exhibitions | Společné výstavy
- GRAFIKA ROKU 2023 | Galerie Gong Dolní Vítkovice | Gong Gallery Dolní Vítkovice Ostrava, Czech Republic | 31.10.2024 – 01.12.2024
- Curator: Kateřina Hanzlíková
- Collett Prague|Munich | GRAND OPENING 3 galerií | Grand Opening of 3 Galeries | Jirny, Czech Republic | 07.09.2024
- 50 VIBRANT YEARS OF ATLANTIC GALLERY | Atlantic gallery Chelsea, New York, USA | 09.07.2024 – 27.07.2024
- Curator: Felix Quiñonez Jr.
- SUMMER SOLSTICE | 15 artists in support of first aid in the gaza | The Living gallery Brooklyn, New York, USA | 21.06.2024
- Curator: Serratia Krank
- Road Classics | V.I.P akce Pálava, Czech Republic | 24.05.2024 – 25.05.2024
- Curator: Jan Dvořák
- Jízda - RIDE | Centrum současného umění EPO1 | EPO1 Contemporary Art CentreTrutnov, Czech Republic | 02.05.2024 – 30.07.2024
- Curator: Petr Volf
- GRAFIKA ROKU 2023 | Imperial Stables at Prague Castle | Císařská konírna na Pražském hradě Prague, Czech Republic | 10.04.2024 – 12.05.2024
- Curator: Kateřina Hanzlíková
- NA VLNĚ EXPRESE | Toyen galleryPrague, Czech Republic | 05.09.2023 – 30.09.2023
- Curator: Miroslav Krupička
- VIGNETTES a visual narrative exhibition | Group exhibition Paintings on canvas and copperplate etching and gouache | Atlatic gallery Chelsea | New York, USA | 28.05.2023 – 17.06.2023
- Curator: Felix Quiñonez Jr.
- ARTBOX. PROJECT Basel 2.0 | ARTEXPO BASEL Presentation on the two 55" HD screens Basel - Switzerland | 15.06.2023 - 18.06.2023
- GRAFIKA ROKU 2022 | Betlémská kaple - Lapidárium | Bethlehem Chapel - Lapidarium Česká Galerie Moderního Umění, Czech Gallery of Modern Art Prague, Czech Republic | 06.04.2023 – 05.05.2023
- Curators: Hana Larvová, Zdeněk Freisleben, Kateřina Hanzlíková
- ARTBOX PROJECT Palma 1.0! | Casa del Arte! Presentation on the two 55" HD screens Palma - Mallorca | 24.10.2022 - 05.11.2022
- ART PRAGUE | XXI. Contemporary Art Fair XXI. ročník veltrhu současného umění The KNUPP gallery Hrzánský palác, Prague, Czech Republic | 03.10.2022 - 08.10.2022
- Collett Prague|Munich | Opening day of a new group exhibition from the Collett collection Prague|Munich | Jirny, Czech Republic | 04.09.2022
- ART BRUT ALL | BRUTAL ASSAULT | Josefov Fortress, Czech Republic | 09.08.2022 - 13.08.2022
- MODELLERS | Group exhibition of modelling objects and dioramas | Museum of Ostrava | Ostrava, Czech Republic | 24.05.2022 - 30.08.2022
- MEN | Výstava ze sbírky Roberta Runtáka | Exhibition of Robert Runták's collection Zámecká jízdárna | Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic | 21.05.2022 - 02.10.2022
- ART PRAGUE | XXth Contemporary Art Fair|xx ročník veltrhu současného umění The KNUPP gallery | Prague, Czech Republic | 07.12.2021 - 12.12.2021
- 30th Anniversary of Caesar Gallery | 30 výročí galerie Caesar | Caesar Gallery Olomouc, Czech Republic | 02.11.2021 - 30.11.2021
- Curator: Miroslav Schubert
- NEW PAINTINGS | Latest canvases exclusively in the Knupp Gallery Knupp Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 14.02.2021 - 30.04.2021
- ARTAVITA CONTEST | One of the 60 winners in the latest Artavita Online Contest with theme “COVID Dreams” virtual exhibition on the Artavita website International Contemporary Masters | 11/2020 - 07/2021
- ISOLATION COLLECTION | Edition 2, Description of a Struggle. Iternational online Gallery exhibitions
- Curators: Robert Carrithers, Hagai segev, Jo Blin, Michael J Rowland
- NEW WORKS AND PAINTINGS | Knupp Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 15.01.2020 - 30.06.2020
- ARTAVITA Contest | Red Dot Miami. International Virtual exhibition. One of the Finalist | 2020
- ARTBASEL ARTWEEKS | Artboxtalent Gallery Project Wynwood Miami, USA | 02.12.2019 - 08.12.2019
- December Group show | ZaZa Gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic | 05.12.2019 - 30.12.2019
- CURRENT ARTWORKS exclusively in the Knupp Gallery | Knupp Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 12.10.2019 - 29.12.2019
- ARTBOXTALENT Group show | Artboxtalent Gallery Zurich, Switzerland | 01.10.2019 - 30.10.2019
- Selected Artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 10/2019
- Creativ Art | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 06/2019
- Large formats | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 06/2019
- Selected artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 05/2019
- Contemporary Art | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 12/2018
- 10 Years The Chemistry Gallery | Hala 17 Holešovice Prague, Czech Republic | 07.12.2018 - 08.12.2018
- Selected artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 10/2018
- Selected artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 03/2018
- Chemistry Salón | Group show The Chemistry Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 30.01.2018 - 18.02.2018
- Curator: Petr Hájek - The Chemistry Gallery
- Passion | Vášeň Group show The Chemistry Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 01.12.2017 - 15.12.2017
- Curator: Petr Hájek - The Chemistry Gallery
- Selected artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 10/2017
- Selected artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 01/2017
- ARTEFAKT | The Chemistry design store Prague, Czech Republic | 07.12.2016 - 30.01.2017
- Selected artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 06/2016
- MEAT POSTERS | MEAT Design. Kompresovna | Compressor hall Ostrava, Czech Republic | 11/2015
- Selected artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 12/2015
- Selected artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 09/2015
- Selected artists | Nová síň Gallery. Prague Auctions Prague, Czech Republic | 03/2015
- ARTPRAGUE 2013 | Prague, Czech Republic | 03/2013
- 7 | Trafo Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 2013
- SUROVÍÍÍ DOLE | Důl Michal Ostrava, Czech Republic | 06/2012
- SHOOT WHEN YOU CAN… | The Chemistry Gallery Prague, Czech Republic | 2012
- Ostrava Artists | Orbis Pub and Gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic | 2010/2011
- SELECTED GALLERY ARTIST | Vybraní umělci galerie Meandr | Meandr gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic | 2007
- SPARTA VS. BANÍK | Galerie Nábřeží Prague, Czech Republic | 03/2006
- HEROES PROPAGANDA | Galerie Jáma 10 Ostrava, Czech Republic | 2002
- UNTITLED | ŘÍMSKOKATOLICKÁ FARNOST, KOSTEL Hlučín, Czech Republic | spring 2000
- BIG CANVAS GROUP SHOW | Galerie výtvarného umění Chagall | Chagall Art Gallery Ostrava, Czech Republic | 1993
Selected Collections | Vybrané sbírky
- Městská část Praha 3 | Municipal district of Prague 3 Praha, Czech Republic
- Ostrava Museum Collection | Ostrava, Czech Republic
- DHL Freight | Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Robert Runták Collection | Olomouc, Czech Republic
- Richard Adam Collection | Czech Republic
- COLLETT | Prague-Munchen
- CHANG yu CHENG Collection | TAIWAN
- Marcela and Gert Jan ten Hoonte | Prague-Dubai
- Knupp Gallery Collection | Prague
- Paul Wurth a.s. | Ostrava-Luxembourg
- BKB Metal a.s. | Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Ambroz collection.at
- Fronek Collection | Seattle, USA
- J. Kavalirek Collection | Prague, Czech Republic
- HSF System Collection | Ostrava, Czech Republic
- BMW CarTec | Ostrava, Prague, Czech Republic
- Isolation Collection | Interantional Artist online collection
- QUARTA Architektura collection | Prague, Czech Republic
Marek Nenutil je zastoupen v dalších soukromých sbírkách v České republice, tak v zahraničí.
Marek Nenutil is represented in other private collections in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Representing Gallery | Zastupující galerie
- Sport In Art | Prague, Czech Republic
- Knupp Gallery | Prague, Czech Republic
Cooperating Gallery | Spolupracující galerie
- ZaZa Gallery | Ostrava, Czech Republic
Art residency | Stáže
- 2022 | Works on paper, painting, drawing etc. Solo exhibition in New Mexico, USA
- 2015 | Estabilishing own studio and made solo exhibition in Seattle, USA
- 2024-10-09 | Polar Expres TV. Pořad: Host Dne. Talk Show: Guest of the Day. Výstava Marka Nenutila vSlezskoostravské galerii. Rozhovor: Renáta Eleonora.
- 2024-09-27 | Polar Expres TV. Slezskoostravská galerie představuje výstavu What The Pictures Wants Marka Nenutila. Report : Michal Slanina.
- 2024 | Newspaper Slezskoostravské noviny. Report about solo exhibition Slezskoostravská Gallery.
- 2024-06 | Jízda - RIDE | Catalogue from group exhibition in | Centrum současného umění EPO1 | EPO1 Contemporary Art Centre Trutnov, Czech Republic Text: Petr Volf
- 2024-05 | Katalog 2017-2024. Galerie současné malby divadla Antonína Dvořáka | Gallery of contemporary painting Antonín Dvořák Theatre Ostrava, Czech Republic Text: Mgr. Martin Mikolášek, Jiří Nekvasil, Martin Dostál
- 2024-04 | Czech TV. Regionální události. Letters from the New York. Fotografický projekt. Fotgrafická galerie Fiducia. Photographic project. Photographic gallery Fiducia Ostrava. Reportáž: Helena Dohnalová.
- 2023-07-17 | Radio Český Rozhlas Ostrava | Interview about my artwork Interview: K. Huberová
- 2023-07-11 | Polar Expres TV | Pořad: Host Dne. Talk Show: Guest of the Day. Výstava Marka Nenutila v Ostravském muzeu Rozhovor: Renáta Eleonora
- 2022 | March | Magazin Sport in Art | Prague, Czech Republic Interview: Text Šárka Jírová (roz. Slaninová)
- 2022 | 10 January | Kéž bych mohl být dvakrát, abych vše stihl - I wish I could be there twice to catch everything | Ostravan | Ostrava, Czech Republic | Interview: Michaela Petrov Balabánová
- 2022 | 30 February | Co archeologové nepotřebovali - What the archaeologists didn't need | Ostravainfo | Ostrava, Czech Republic
- 2022 | THE MUSEUM OF TRAVELING DREAMS | katalog k výstavě | exhibition catalogue | Gallery of Culture Centre Průhon Prague, Czech Republic | 10.03.2022 - 30.05.2022 Text and Curator Vojta Fiala
- 2022 | April | Měsíčník Řepská sedmnáctka Monthly | Monthly Magazine Řepská sedmnáctka | Prague, Czech Republic | Text and Curator Vojta Fiala
- 2021-12-13 | Czech TV. Regionální události. Retorspektiva Marka Nenutila v Domě umění v Opavě. Marek Nenutil retrospective at the House of Art in Opava. Reportáž: Helena Dohnalová.
- 2021 | Mladá Fronta. Listopad 2021. Retorspektiva Marka Nenutila v Domě umění v Opavě. Marek Nenutil retrospective at the House of Art in Opava. Foto: A. Satinský.
- 2021-11-05 | Polar Expres TV. Pořad: Host Dne. Talk Show: Guest of the Day. Rozhovor: Renáta Eleonora.
- 2021 | Polar Expres TV. Retorspektiva Marka Nenutila v Domě umění v Opavě. Marek Nenutil retrospective at the House of Art in Opava.
- 2021 | 7 March | Český rozhlas Vltava. Talk show Mozaika. Interview: Karel Oujezdský.
- 2021-11-23 | Region Opava. číslo 47. Marek Nenutil retrospective at the House of Art in Opava.
- 2020 | FOR MAN magazine. Report about artistlife and artwork. Text: Michalela Židlický. Foto by Tanasis and Darina Kubíková.
- 2020 | Catalogue from solo exhibition in Caesar gallery, Olomouc. Every moment thinks about of his future. Text: Mgr. Martin Mikolášek.
- 2020 | Magazine of National Moravian-Silesian Theatre Antonína Dvořáka. History of Violence 2 Text: Mgr. Martin Mikolášek.
- 2019 | Radio Vltava. Talk show Mozaika. History of Violence K. Oujezdský.
- 2019-09-30 | Czech Television Art. ČT Art. Události v kultuře. Report about exhibition and interview with artist and artist Martin Mainer. Reporter: A. Bahnerová.
- 2019-09 | ESQUIRE Magazine. Portét/Portrait. Muž a dokonalý svět/Man and perfect world. Text: Samuel Kubín.
- 2019 | Newspaper Moravskosleszký Denník. Report about my solo exhibition in Chagall gallery. Text: B. Uhlář.
- 2019 | Galerie 71. Info Newspaper from Chagall Gallery. Text about my solo exhibition at the Chagall Gallery. Text: Jan Kudrna.
- 2019 | Newspaper Ostravská radnice. Report about my solo exhibition at the Chagall Gallery. Text: R. Stejskal.
- 2019 | Czech TV. Události z regionů. Report about my artwork from my studio and solo exhibition at the Chagall Gallery. Report and Interview: H. Dohnalová.
- 2019 | Radio Český Rozhlas Ostrava. Interview about my artwork. Interview: K. Huberová.
- 2018 | Vnitroblock newspaper. Report about my solo Exhibition. Text: V. Fiala.
- 2018 | Cagalogue 10 Years Anniversary The Chemistry Gallery. Artist Profile.
- 2017 | Anniversary Report HSF Company. Cover And Inside My Art Work.
- 2017 | Catalogue Existenz. From Solo Exhibition Existenz at the Slezsko Ostravská Gallery And The Chemistry Gallery.
- 2017 | Radio Český Rozhlas. Interview About Exhibition at the Existenz II at The Chemistry Gallery with K. Oujezdský.
- 2017 | Newspaper Hospodářské Noviny. Report About My Solo Exhibition Existenz II at The Chemistry Gallery. Text: N. Klevisová.
- 2016 | Newspaper Slezskoostravská town-hall. Text about my solo exhibition Slezskoostravská Gallery. Text: V. Vahalíková.
- 2016 | Magazine Slezská Ostrava. Existenz. Text and photo: J. Král
- 2016 | Czech TV. Události v Kultuře. Report About My Solo Exhibition Existenz at the Slezsko Ostravská Gallery. Report and interview: L. Křížková.
- 2016 | Catalogue. From My Solo Exhibition Conservative Party at the Obecní Dům Opava. Text And Curator: J. Kunze.
- 2015 | Art Magazine Atelier No. 13. Text About Exhibition.
- 2015 | Adam Gallery. Video Report about Solo Exhibition One Thing. Video by Adam gallery.
- 2015 | Catalogue One Thing. From Solo Exhibition at the Adam Gallery. Text And Curator: R. Adam.
- 2014 | Catalogue Source. From Solo Exhibition at the Cooltour Ostrava. Text: P. Hájek (The Chemistry Gallery).
- 2014 | Czech TV. Události v Kultuře. Report About My Solo Exhibition at the Cooltour Ostrava. Reporter: L. Křížková.
- 2014 | Art Magazine Atelier No. 25 – 26. Text About Exhibition.
- 2014 | Art Magazine Atelier No. 12. Text About Exhibition.
- 2014 | TV Nova. Magazine Víkend. Report About artist art work, artlife and studio. Reporter: A. Vašíček.
- 2014 | Catalogue. From Solo Exhibition After Dark at The Chemistry Gallery. Text by Curator: P. Kubesa.
- 2014 | TV Metropol. Interview And Report About My Art Work. Reporter: V. Lavička.
- 2013 | Radio Český Rozhlas. Interview About Exhibition at the (A)void Gallery With K. Oujezdský.
- 2013 | Catalogue 7 Years Anniversary of the Trafo Gallery. Profil And Reproduction of One Work.
- 2013 | Radio Český Rozhlas Ostrava. Interview with K. Huberová
- 2013 | Catalogue Artpokalypsa. From My Solo Exhibition at the Slezskoostravska Gallery. Text: P. Kubesa.
- 2013 | Ona Dnes Magazine. Reproductin of the One Work.
- 2013 | Czech TV. Události v Regionech. Report and interview with artist about exhibition. Reporter: K. Kačmarská.
- 2013 | Magazine Slezska Ostrava. Artpokalypsa. Text: J. Král.
- 2012 | 30 July | Důl Petr Bezruč se přestěhoval do Trafačky - Petr Bezruč Mine moved to Trafačka | Lidové Noviny Prague, Czech Republic Author: ČTK.
- 2012 | Gallery 48. Info Newspaper From Gallery Chagall. Text About Solo Exhibition.
- 2012 | TV Brušperk. Report About My Exhibition.
- 2012 | Newspaper Lidové Noviny. Report About Exhibition in Trafo Gallery. Text: N. Klevisová.
- 2011 | TV Prima. Jak se staví sen. Live Painting And Interview.
- 2005 | Breakzine. Artist Profile. Text: O. Tylčer.
- 2005 | Magazine Týden. Somebody is Watching. Text: I. Motýl.
- 2005 | Info Newspaper Kam v centru. Text About Exhibition Někdo se dívá in Gallery Fiducia. Text: H. Procházka.
- 2004 | Info Newspaper Kam v centru. Text About Heroes Propaganda Exhibition in Gallery JarNemec Company. Text: H. Procházka.
- 2003 | Info Newspaper Kam v centru. Text About Exhibition in Gallery Fiducia. Text: H. Procházka.
- 2002 | Czech TV. Report About StreetArt. Report from artist studio And Interview. Reporter: H. Dohnalová.
- 2001 | Czech TV. Letadlo. Live Painting.
- 2001 | Events. Program of the gallery and cultural center Birkenried. Germany.
- 2001 | Review. Kulture Wachshaus Birkenbird. Exhibition from this gallery. Gremany.
- 2001 | Czech TV. Report About Graffiti and StreetArt. Report from Ostrava scene. Reporter: H. Dohnalová.
- 2001 | Interview Mladá Fronta. Mladí rozrazili šeď pavouků. Text: J. Macháček.